Monday, March 06, 2006


It's my future from a Chinese fortune cookie; therefore, it must be true....

Interestingly enough, I was told this very same thing by an old friend the same day I got this in my fortune cookie. Never one to dismiss coincidence, I had to document the concept. Regrettably, the conversation was not about photography, but one can hope there'll be some spillover...someday...eventually....

I'm trying to learn curve adjustments, so I thought I'd try to desaturate everything but the red channel. I probably should have done this on a shot that did not include skin, but live and learn, right?


Anonymous said...

Now that's a nice shot. And you are talented. I can see that here.

MattO said...

I think your fortune already has spilled over. You have alot of photography talent, and you show it often here in your PAD.

Edward said...

Hopefully for your lovers, that talent runs deep...
