Thursday, March 16, 2006


You might not have realized it by the way I've been completely lax about posting lately, but I actually have been taking pictures each day. They just stink.

Here is a failed attempt at getting an interesting hand shot for the latest challenge at DPC. Miserable, I know. I had to play with unbelievable numbers of artistic filters to get this crap, and believe me, it is better than the original.

I'm hoping to learn as much from my failures even though they won't garner any praise. So if you see this and think to yourself, "Jaysus, can't this chick come up with anything worthy?" please take a moment to remember that this is my Right Hand, I just thought you'd seen enough of My Left Hand and My Left Foot and send a silent prayer to the Lord above that I didn't make it super freaky again.

If I get enough requests, I just may do another Lip Shot.

See how I'm distracting you from this crappy picture by posting links to some of the better ones?
(c) 2006 by A1275

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