Sunday, March 19, 2006

Ready to Ride

Rusty old Dodge.

This little baby lives at the edge of a field on the property on which I live. It's got another friend on the other side of the tires, but I'll save that one for another day. There's something about living in the country...almost everyone I know who lives on more than 20 acres has a clunker in the woods somewhere.

When I was a kid in Maine, it used to be great fun to run around in the woods and look for the junkers. We'd sit behind the wheel with the spiders and assorted wildlife and pretend we could drive. I guess in the olden days it was fine to take whatever juice the old cars had left, and drive them as far into the woods as they would go and then leave them there to die. In fact, a few months ago my uncle dragged out a rotting a decrepit 1921 Ford something or other, and we looked it up on-line and it was worth $4000 as is, not running, with rust and holes and everything.

Now I'm not saying this old thing is worth even $1, but it reminds me of home and at times, when the light is right (I tried to capture it here) it even looks kinda pretty.

Maybe someday some kid will climb in the open door and pretend they are driving. And then 50 years later someone else will haul it off and make a few grand and go on vacation. Who knows? In this world, almost anything is possible.
(c) 2006 by A1275


puzzled p said...

Eeeek! I don't know if the comment I just wrote got posted or not, since I had to log in again. It's worth saying again though - this shot has pop! You've done an awesome job of capturing that rust color, with all the details. Everything about this, comp, clarity, and especially subject - are great. Nice job!

Karen said...

Very cool shot, good lighting too!

MattO said...

I love the tones of this shot. Very well done, composition is pretty good as well, but I wish there wasnt all that distracting stuff on the right side. But hey you cant clean up someone elses junk just to get a perfect photo now can you!

Anonymous said...

Old rusted out vehicles are always cool. This one looks great. The location looks like it could be a interesting place to shoot.

Kekiinani said...

WOW, Awesome shot. love the colors, focus and comp.. Just great!!! :).

Sonja (Photographer/Owner) said...

Sweet old truck. Makes you wonder who all rode in that old dodge and the things that happened in it. would be fun to know.