Saturday, March 11, 2006

Don't Be That Girl

This gives a whole new meaning to "I'll drink you under the table...."

Apparently, she didn't get the memo -- you know -- the one that says "Please drink responsibly." This shot was taken about 4:30 pm in Newport during the St. Patrick's Day festivities. Now, it's safe to say that a good time was had by all, but some people just can't stop until they hit the floor.

Yup, the floor. That's where we first noticed this girl. We'll protect the not so innocent here and not post the shot where butt cleavage is featured. Her friends finally managed to get her up into the chair, but as you can see she is beginning another slow and painful descent.

Bonus shot:

Check out the expression on the face of the guy in the background.

In the interest of fairness we must give mad props to the Drunk Girl, as we saw her flitting about on the dance floor several hours later, still drinking and this time not only standing upright but dancing with abandon. Her friends had left her, but she was still managing to have a great time.... That's stamina, baby! Surely she must have a touch of the Irish in her blood....

P.S. We're hoping to someday get these shots back in one of those joke e-mails - you know the ones, I'm sure, where they have all those funny and embarrassing shots with the warning... "Don't let this happen to you!"


Anonymous said...

What JP said. The bonus shot is funny.

Karma Shuford said...

This picture made me laugh . ..