Tuesday, January 10, 2006

There Are Some Bouys Who Enter a Woman's Life...

... and screw it up forever. Mr. X has done that for me, but not forever, just periodically.

A cheesy play on words, but bear with me.

I should preface this with the explanation that Mr. X hates to have his picture taken, and the identity will remain secret to protect the not-so-innocent. Mr. X and I have been good friends for a long time. We've flirted with each other regularly, but have too much of a history and blah blah blah who cares about the rest.

If you read yesterday's post, you might recall that it was a tough day. Today, I decided that what was at the top of the priority list was a bit of amusement. In order to check this A1 item off my To-Do list, I sent a quick e-mail to said Mr. X: "I just remembered something about you that made me smile." In short order, my telephone rang with a request for details. (He got them, but not you folks!) Within a few minutes, I had a blush reminiscent of tropical sunburn, and had to get a glass of water to steady myself. Checked off A1 item, went on to the much more boring A2 item and continued on with my day.

Imagine my delight a few hours later, when I got a response: "I can't concentrate." I think it's important to have an effect on people.

The moral of this story is that no matter how ugly and bad a day looks to be from a Franklin Planner, a little flirting can do wonders for your mental outlook. I highly recommend it to everyone.

Still smiling,


Edited to add: I should probably say a bit about the shot. There is a cool store in Wiscasset, ME that has a bunch of these for sale. I had to make three trips to catch the right cloudy day to avoid shadows, and then added a posterizing effect because I thought it was way cool and I wanted to. A "true" original can be found here.


Kiyoko Gotanda said...

All I can say is I love the picture and the story!

kaye said...

I thought this was just a burst of color outtake when I opened it up... who knew it would have a great story to go along with it! Great shot!

hvincent said...

I love the effect you used on it...gives it a worn and tired feel, but it's still bright and cheery at the same time. Very fitting to the story, I suppose (and a sweet story as well, I can say that I'm guilty of doing the same thing).

mike fairbanks said...

Prolly one of the most photographed spots along the maine coast, some day I'm gonna drive over and take my own version of this shot, just to say Ive done it.

Linda said...

love the pic, love the story. Yesterday was one of those days that a little flirting or even a hug was really needed, but there was no one around for either. :-(

Karen said...

Love this shot, the colours are so bright.

Sonja (Photographer/Owner) said...

hmm..thanks for the advice. Excellent image!