Saturday, January 28, 2006


Built a roaring fire in the fireplace tonight, to get an idea of what it might feel like to roast in Hell. That's because that's probably where I'm going after a certain episode today.

You see, I've been working all kinds of insane hours lately at my job. One of the side effects of spending inordinate amounts of time with the same people in the same office day after day after freaking day; with people that you didn't choose to be your friends, is that you begin to have malevolent thoughts about their safety and well-being. Another side effect is never, ever, being able to use the bathroom without someone barging right in on you. Sometimes they want to chat.

Now, I'm a friendly person and all, but some things should just be sacred. I don't want to hear about the weather, or your hangnail, or your papercut, or what you might have for lunch today, or anything else that flits across your mind and then pops out of your mouth at shall we say, private moments.

Today I was caught at a bad time by a woman who failed to adhere to the Code of Silence. Everyone knows, or should know, that you just don't start inane conversations with acquaintances in the bathroom. Blah-blah-blah's should be saved for the breakroom. Anyway, she was just a jibber-jabbering away, and finally I could take no more. I snapped. Rather impolitely, I asked her for some peace and quiet.

Upon exiting the private area and adjourning to the sink area to wash my hands, I see her roundish face with mouth open in an "O" of surprise. Then the lips pursed in a frown of disapproval. I met that frown of disapproval and raised it to a hard stare of silent rebuke that should have knocked her clear across the room and up against the wall like the victim of a poltergeist.

It did me no good. She flounced right by me with a sniff and then pranced her way back into the office; like I was the moron.

The moral of the story is this: if you don't drink anything during the day, you don't have to use the restroom and can avoid ugly scenes like the one described above.

Bonus shot:

Edited to add: People! There was nothing graphic to describe, as mfairbanks suggested. :)

And TonyV had it right - the first shot better suited my mood last night, but I agree the bonus one is better.

Thanks for the comments!


mk said...

Your first shot looks like there might be demons blazing away in there but the second one looks like one of those fireplace videotapes they make for apartment people. I miss fireplaces that use wood - ours flicks on with a remote.

Laurie L. Black said...

Great shot, greater story! I totally agree!!!!! :)

MattO said...

You dont know how many times, I have wanted to do just that, sometimes I have, others I just bite my tongue. But I usually feel better after I open my mouth and tell them to shut up! Oh yeah and nice roaring fire to keep your warm.

Edward said...

I must say that I'm in love with the bonus shot more than the primary one.. big time :)

As for the lady in the washroom, I'd have backhanded her.. job be damned! lol

What is it with you women and washrooms?!?!

TonyV said...

Add my vote to the bonus shot brigade. It looks and feels like a real hearthside fire should.

The other fire is just plain hot and angry ... maybe suiting your mood.

Unknown said...

I like the second one best too. Funny bathroom story :) Our bathroom at work is a one person show, so so far we don't have that issue.

mike fairbanks said...

Lmao, You do know that certain simulated (or real) bodily noises will usually put an end to such interruptions in a rapid manner, also discussing in depth, with graphic descriptions, the product of such private moments will also have the desired effect. I.E "Hey Jane, check this sucker out, its ...(insert graphic desciption)..." :-)

Karen said...

Lovely fire shots. I used to work in an office, I'm glad I don't anymore!

Sonja (Photographer/Owner) said...

hahahaaha @mfairbanks!

I guess I am used to chatting with other moms in the restrooms.. we have our kids and bring them all in the restroom at once..pretty caotic. So we chat..I do not chat with other people I don't know or go to the restroom with women I know without my kids. You would be safe with me. my lips are shut..hahah.. excellent images!

Kekiinani said...

What wonderful shots. I love the second one. I really miss having a fireplace but hey the weather here really never gets that cold. Oh shucks. What a story. I agree that conversation is not for those private moments.. :)

Linda said...

Great shots - I miss not having a fireplace anymore, but don't miss living downstate. Now if I could just add a fireplace on to this house.

I too like the second shot best.