Friday, February 17, 2006


Right off the bat I want to say that this is not me!

The proper term for using one's fingers to extract boogers is rhinotillexis. There is an Austrian doctor, Dr. Friedrich Bischinger, who believes that "people who pick their noses with their fingers are healthier, happier, and more in tune with their bodies." Dr. Bischinger says that if you use your fingers, you can really get up in there and get all the good stuff out, keeping your nose cleaner than what you could if you only used a handkerchief.

I decided to experiment with this notion with a co-worker, it being Friday and all. She graciously agreed to pick her nose to see if there were any beneficial effects. Regrettably, after our little photo shoot she felt the extreme need for some Purell anti-bacterial lotion. Luckily, we have a stockpile of it.

Just so that you are fully informed here, the proper term for compulsive eating of boogers is rhinotillexomania, and if you suffer from that condition it's considered a form of Pica.

Now that's damn interesting.

See also: Can you die from picking your nose?


Sonja (Photographer/Owner) said...

you got to be kidding me. hahahaha..

I do believe it is better than dragging a hanky around in your pocket..ewww..

Kekiinani said...

WOW thanks for all the info. LOL

Vikas said...

I can never imagine trying to google this info .. lol .. Great shot!

enash said...

And people say self education is dead in our world today. Thanks for keeping it well alive. I could see the next DPChallenge be "rhinotillexomania".

Edward said...

There are times when there's that painful hard boogie in your nose that you have to get out no matter what, and I have been known to dig it out bare-fingered before.. to hell with social etiquette.