Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Here is the Steeple

This is the steeple of the First Baptist Church of America (1775). The founder of this church, Roger Williams, also founded the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. Yep, that is the real, true name of my Little Rhody. It's a bear to make out on a check for the taxes. Rhode Island has the great distinction of being the smallest state in the United States, and also the one with the longest name.

Hey! I bet you didn't know that!

There's some great architecture work inside, but this is the shot of the day.


MattO said...

I love old churches. They are so cool and usually have a great history behind them, just like this one. Nicely done. Wish it was warm so I could get outside shots, I'd love to try some building shots.

mk said...

You are such a history nerd! Hot sky.

Edward said...

fantastic exposure on this. These types of shots always tend to throw me. Did you use a polarizer, or did you get the graduated effect in post?

Karen said...

Gorgeous shot, love the sky.

Sonja (Photographer/Owner) said...

And a beautiful steaple at that. We don't have cool churches here in our town. drats.