Monday, February 13, 2006


So, with Valentine's Day just around the corner, thoughts of love and dating seems to be in the air. Was talking with my friend Michelle (Mick) the other day and she asked me how my book was coming...

Mick used to sit behind me at work, and was excellent at prying details of my latest romance from me. With her infectious laugh and the kind of encouragement that can only come from a true good friend, (as in: "OMG, you KILL me with this stuff!" she's been insisting for awhile now that I write a book and share the wealth of my dating experience.

First off, I should say that I love dating. I love it so much, I'll probably do it for the rest of my life. I'm particularly fond of the First Kiss. You know, the one that you've anticipated for what seems like ages; the one that makes your heart pound and your breath shallow and quick, the one that when you are oh-so-close to the final approach of a pair of soft, warm, slightly parted lips that your heart just skips a beat and your eyes go fuzzy from having too many stars in them. That one. Think back - remember your last First Kiss. Have fun with that.

Back to the book. I've played around with this for over a year now, and have been doing some research. Lots of research. :) Sad to say, I've not completed much more than the outline, but here's an excerpt:

A good date consists of two of the following three things: food, entertainment, and affection. Not necessarily in that order, but you get the drift. Food, because a girl's gotta eat. Entertainment, because c'mon - girls just want to have fun, right? Affection - this should be self-explanatory. If you can hit all three in one night, you've got youself a winning evening.

And how do you know when you've progressed from "just dating" to "relationship?" Why, when the "affection" becomes the entertainment, of course.

Yes, it really is that simple.


MattO said...

I love the shot, the thought of writing a book would scare me. Thats alot of work! How was the lighting done? Do you have a pink diffuser?

Sonja (Photographer/Owner) said...

sigh... wow, all these people dating. Makes me wonder why all the good ones are taken here. Being old sucks rocks. Love the shot!

Edward said...

I'm back! Just in time to say..

YUCK! Stupid valentines day.

Oh well.. the 15th is "Venereal Disease" day.. so that makes up for it :)

mike fairbanks said...

Awesome lighting and colors here!

Karen said...

Cute shot.

Linda said...

Cute shot - and an excellent excerpt. Sounds like it would be a fun book to read. Your description of the feelings a first-kiss bring with it are perfect.

Unknown said...

Great shot and good narative :)