Sunday, February 19, 2006

Games People Play - I

This game is called cribbage. It's played with a deck of cards and a pegboard that consists of 120 holes. The object of the game is to win.

Oh, OK, seriously, the object of the game is to earn 120 points faster than your opponent. Instead of writing down your score for each round on a piece of paper and then adding it up, you advance (via leapfrogging) your peg one hole for each point earned. Cribbage is cool because there are two major ways to earn points and make your way around the board: through the cards you are dealt and the way that you play them. While there is an element of luck in what kind of hand you are dealt, a good player can overcome a poor hand through use of strategy.

Cribbage is a lot like life. It's not just the hand you are dealt, it's the way that you play it.


L2 said...

Quite right. We lost the pegs years ago, but the tacks work great!

My Dad drilled the board himself, and not all the holes are even in depth. :)

Brit said...

Do it the english way...Used matches are the best pegs..