Saturday, May 13, 2006

Lift Me Up

I love love love this one; that's why I gave it a very special border.

Someday I will work out a way to not have wrinkles on the floor of the backdrop, but this one was at the end of the shoot and it was already covered in Goldfish crackers and other detritus so I just left them there.

When I grow up, I want to take more shots like these - the kind that show relationships between people and don't need further explanation.

(c) 2006 by A1275


MattO said...

Thats an awesome shot, but your right its a tough one for wrinkles. Especially with the white shirt on the child. Given a chance to blow out the background you would lose the kid in it. I love the emotive type shot though. Nice catch.

Karen said...

Lovely shot!

TonyV said...

Super picture. Probably the best in your PaD.

kaye said...

Fantastic! Love the emotion in this one :)