Thursday, April 13, 2006

Pussy Willow

Pussy willows - another sign of spring that I've always enjoyed. Here I'm playing with the new curves trick (on the background) that I just learned the other day.

I'm traveling home to Maine for an extended Easter holiday, where I'll be lucky to get even a dial-up connection, so you'll just have to miss me while I'm on vacation. It will be almost 4 months since I've been home, which for those of you that know me well, is a huge long time for me. Frankly, it's been awful wiggly these last few weeks, and going home always seems to "ground" me in a way that nothing else ever has.

If you remember the theme song to the TV show "Cheers" you also might recall the line in the song where it says "...sometimes you have to go where everybody knows your name...and it always seems the same...." or something like that. I love that feeling -- the one you get when you finally get there and everybody is full of hugs and kisses and you know they've missed you as much as you've missed them.

That's the best most awesome thing in the world - to go home again.

(c) 2006 by A1275


Karen said...

I love this picture, really beautiful.

mike fairbanks said...

This is absolutely AWESOME, probably the best shot of pussy...willows :-) I have ever seen!!!! WOOT!!!!