Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Just Gillian

My cousin Gillian, who has only just recently joined the ranks of People With Cell Phones and is now the Text Messaging Queen of the World.

Seriously. We sometimes waste entire days on lyrical nonsense, which makes the unlimited text messaging phone plan a necessity. For example:

Gillian: Tiger, Tiger, burning bright, in the forest of the night. What immortal hand or eye dare shaped thy fearful symmetry?
Me: And Little Black Sambo watched the tiger's race 'round in a circle until they turned into a giant pile of butter for pancakes.
(Sometimes we play little games like this with nouns...I've lost her response now but it had something to do with pancakes.)

Me: What's the word, little bird?
Gillian: What's the scoop, little poop?
(Sometimes our games revolve around adjectives and rhyming. Notice, there is no actual exchange of information here - that's what I mean by utter nonsense....)

I tell you, it's good sometimes to have fun with English. So when I receive a silly text message, I know it's just...Gillian.

(c) 2006 by A1275

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