Thursday, April 20, 2006

Toy Man

This is Troy, aka "Toy." He got that nickname because his family has a local toy company, and because he's so much fun to play with.

I'm so glad he married my cousin. It's hard to remember a time now when he wasn't part of our family...we all think quite a bit of him.

There's a house in my hometown that has only ever been owned by two families; the first family to own it could claim a Civil War general who carried the casket at President Lincoln's funeral. The other family is mine; Troy and Meghan live there now. Come to find out, all those hundreds of years ago it was an ancestor of Troy's that actually built the house. When they moved in, it hadn't been lived in for a little while and needed some work. I always thought it was cool that Troy fixed up the house that his ancestor built, and that somehow things had come full-circle again.

(c) 2006 by A1275

1 comment:

Kiyoko Gotanda said...

Great emotive capture.

Good to see you back in full swing!